The time has come, the Walrus said,
To talk of many things…
                              Lewis Carroll, Through the Looking Glass

Welcome to my blog – a place where I can write, rant and rave into the blogosphere about the adventures and misadventures of everyday life.

Who am I? I’m am a proud Métis citizen, a retired banker, author of books, magazines and newspaper columns, and a well-seasoned ranter. My mission here with boomerrantz is to express some aging boomer opinions – about how I perceive the world around me, in all its glory and carbuncles.

Why rant? Like a good liver cleanse, ranting helps to flush out the clogged arteries of my cranky zones, and restore a sense of balance to my crusty rusty scales.

What can you expect? Humourous reflections and unbridled ranting or raving, depending on my constitution du jour. I am not a daily blogger; but I promise a new post whenever the rantz in my pantz need a good airing out, or I simply need to tell you something fabulous.

Contact me at:

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Thanks for visiting.

Pat Lamondin Skene

@PatSkene on Twitter

See you between the lines.

25 responses »

  1. This is a great blog, which I discovered through year-struck, which in turn I discovered via Facebook, which just goes to show that Facebook isn’t entirely pointless. Still, I’m not going to share with you what I had for breakfast or my favourite kitty video. I’ll just add you to my blog favourites instead.


  2. Hi Pat, Your sister-in-law, Ann l, sent me your wonderful book, The Whoosh of Gadoosh, which you kindly autographed for my grandchildren. Thank you so much.We are enjoying your delightful sense of humour.
    I also enjoy your great rants. Thanks, Kathy Allen, Perth, Ont, formerly of Hanmer.


  3. Hi,

    Just found your blog and wanted to know if you would be interested in guest posting on our recently launched retirement site that targets boomers, retirees and those thinking about or planning retirement (that should cover almost everyone 🙂

    We could use a good humorous post related to aging.

    Please let me know if you are interested and I will forward additional details.




  4. Just discovered your blog – moved in to a gated community referred to as adult lifestyle – I moved in three years ago – husband died 10 years ago and it took a while to make the decision to leave my 5 bedroom home. Love my new small semi- bungalow but felt there were a lot of old people here – I think I was scared to admit that age had hit me as well – I just turned 70 this year. You are right though – everyone is friendly – lots of people to talk to etc. But you are also right about the rules – complaints etc. Some people love to tell you what you can and can’t do. Sometimes I feel it a bit suffocating here – I quite like my own company and my house and don’t always feel the need to be imvolved plus I have many friends outside of here and I can hardly keep up with them because of church – family – etc. Again you are right – most people here are travelling, doing interesting things, and we have lots in common. Sorry about the long email – it was nice to hear from you some of the things I have been going through. Ann from Ontario as well!!


    • Thanks for your very thoughtful comment Ann. I’m happy you found some commonality in our condo experiences. I do believe the good far outweighs the annoying stuff. I’ve learned to enjoy my life and ignore the rest. It sounds like you’ve found out how to do that as well. Thanks for reading and welcome to Boomerrantz!


  5. Hi Pat,

    My name is Anuj Agarwal. I’m Founder of Feedspot.

    I would like to personally congratulate you as your blog Boomerrantz has been selected by our panelist as one of the Top 75 Baby Boomer Blogs on the web.

    I personally give you a high-five and want to thank you for your contribution to this world. This is the most comprehensive list of Top 75 Baby Boomer Blogs on the internet and I’m honored to have you as part of this!

    Also, you have the honor of displaying the badge on your blog.



  6. I love your hair! How do you take care of it? I tried going ‘natural’ a few years ago and found my hair very course an kinky.


    • Well what a lovey comment. Thank you Sue, you’re very kind. A good hairdresser is the answer. I go twice a year for foil tips to brighten up the white, even out the darker spots in the back and I use a special shampoo and conditioner to keep it white and softer than the aforementioned course and kinky. It’s wonderful not having roots to deal with!


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